Dr. John MacArthur

I don't know of another human being alive today who has been as faithful to preach God's word for fifty years.  He has taken the bible chapter by chapter, and verse by verse and teaches it plainly. 

He doesn't add rainbow sprinkles to God's word in order to make it more palatable or to make YOU feel good about it. He cares too much about you to lie to you in that manner, and his reverence for the gift that God gave us through his word won't allow him to play games with it.

He doesn't give glory to himself.  He gives all the glory to God.

One peek at his website (peek at his website here) will tell you about the man.  I think it would take a lifetime to watch all the videos and sermons and other resources there.  For example, I will be teaching a class on Galatians, so I decided to visit his Galatians study.   Chapter One has six sermons, with six hour long videos.  Chapter three has eighteen! Galatians is only six chapters and it will take me about 70 hours just to listen to his sermons on only six chapters!

To say his teachings are deep is an understatement.  A child who has never seen the ocean would think the pool at the Y is deep.  But Dr. John MacArthur's teachings are multiple oceans. (We will explore the kiddie pool at the Y types of teachers later). 

His study bible is available to download as an app on your phone.  It provides audio so you can listen as you drive and it has study notes for you to print and links to his sermons corresponding to what you're reading and those are just a few of the features.

He wants YOU to be fully equipped with the riches of God's word, and doesn't charge a dime.  That  speaks volumes especially when you have been accustomed to kiddie pool teachers who charge for every drop of their shallow nonsense.  

His Strange Fire Conference is beautifully done.  He does charge for the book with the same name.  I gladly purchased a copy. He doesn't charge for the videos on his website, however.  We will be featuring them here as well.

This is not hero worship.  Only God is worthy of that.  This is recognition of a great teacher who is so solid in his teachings that there is no room to be led astray.  He is not a feel good, everybody get along, kinda guy.  He will tell you the truth even when it hurts and that lends him a credibility that few have in the world of present day feel good theology.

There are many great teachers out there, but none so learned and none so able to provide solid real nourishing food.