
Welcome to Berean Real where being real means examining the truth through the lens of God's word just like the Jews did in Berea where they fact checked everything Paul said against the scriptures.  You can read about them in Acts 17: 10-15

 Jesus himself said in John 8:31-32  "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free".  FREE!   Who doesn't love that word!  

God gave us all we need to understand him.  It's all plainly written in his word. 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us it is God breathed and useful for every good work.  If you want more than what he has given, there is something else going on with you because he himself says...Here I am, come learn about me, come and listen to all I have to tell you.
Ephesians 4 tells us he has equipped us for the ability to become mature in the faith and for the knowledge of Jesus so that we are no longer children chasing after every wind of doctrine because they are devised by human cunning and deceitful schemes. 
Berean Real is an outreach to the lost, in addition to an outreach to those who are lost in deception.  It's easy to be lost in it.  There are evil schemers out there who will approach a flood victim with fake promises of rebuilding, then abscond with the only money they have left,  or who will go after a widow's pension, or offer food and shelter to impoverished children only to sell them into the sex trade.  Just like those evil schemers in the world, there are evil schemers after your souls and who will corrupt the Gospel message with things that sound good, music that seems holy, and messages with biblical words.  But their sound good, feel good, twisted scripture are meant for only one thing, to get you to part with your money, and if your soul gets lost in the process, that's fine with them too. True believers are called to expose them. How do we know this, because it says so in scripture - here Ephesians 5:11  - here Matthew 7:15  - here Matthew 24:24 - and in so many other places that in order to ignore these warnings and commands you would have to never read your bible, and therein is why people get deceived and why people get away with deceiving.  READ YOUR BIBLE!

There are many Godly bible teachers and preachers who are much smarter than us who will be featured here either as authors, or on video or podcasts.   The short list of our criteria is this:  
Are they attempting to teach the word, using the word - in context?

Do their lives exemplify what a pastor and teacher are to be - as defined in the bible? (look up biblical qualifications for pastors and teachers).

Having said that, let's make it clear that we don't endorse people.  We endorse God and his word, period.  However there are some who help all of us understand it as it is intended to be understood.  I don't know Greek or Hebrew, do you?  I don't have time to check each word spoken back then with Greek or Hebrew, do you?  There are people who are called to teach and to preach and who take their responsibility with genuine seriousness.  Do they always get it right?  Perhaps not, but if their focus and their goal is to rightly divide God's word, and their life's work is to bring glory and honor to God, then we can overlook a few minor theological issues. 

So please come here to learn and to discern using all the resources we can offer, read the posts, read the pages, watch the videos (they are AWESOME), and then get into the word and fact check us!

This is not a discussion forum, so commenting has been turned off.  However if you have something you would like to address, please email us at: coquinnboyd@yahoo.com

May God richly bless you today and always.